USPTO Moves to Electronic Trademark Registration Certificates

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The United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) announced on May 24 that it had accelerated its transition to electronic trademark registration certificates. Going forward, the USPTO joins other countries, including Canada and the EU, in only issuing electronic trademark registration certificates unless otherwise requested. This change makes certificates more accessible and decreases the time between allowance and receipt, as certificates are now able to be immediately issued once the trademark application has moved to full allowance, as opposed from having to be printed and mailed. In addition, this change allows us to report and forward these electronic certificates as soon as they are issued, so clients know that their valuable intellectual property is fully protected.

However, recognizing that some trademark owners may still prefer a printed copy of their trademark registration certificate, the USPTO is making paper certificates available for order. For any trademark applications filed prior to May 24, 2022, there is no cost to request a paper certificate, while for any trademark applications filed on or after May 24, 2022, there will be a $25 processing fee for the USPTO to issue a paper certificate.


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