3rd Annual Milwaukee Commercial Real Estate Virtual Summit

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Speaking Engagement
RE Journals, Webcast

Join RE Journals for the 3rd Annual Milwaukee Commercial Real Estate Virtual Summit to gather insightful perspectives from professionals who are successfully navigating the commercial real estate industry. Additionally, Real Estate and Corporate Attorney, Michael Van Someren will be participating as a panelist along with several other speakers to address economic and business climate changes.


9:00 AM 2020 Apartment Market Update & FORECAST: Opportunities and Unexpected Challenges

  • What is the state of Milwaukee’s multifamily marketplace, from a development, investment, and operation standpoint?
  • Will the upset in the condo market during the pandemic bring a resurgence in apartments?
  • What does the future look like for Milwaukee area multifamily development and investing?
  • How does the Milwaukee market compare regionally and nationally?

10:00 AM Milwaukee Market Update: Industrial, Office, Retail, Opportunity Zones, & Investment

  • Economic and business climates have changed dramatically in 2020 – How will 2021 be different?
  • What 2020 headlines will impact 2021 activity?
  • What headlines will surprise in 2020 and which ones won’t?

11:00 AM Downtown & Suburban Developments – Game Changing Projects

  • What is the biggest potential for growth in Milwaukee – what are the drivers?
  • What new developments have been completed recently, what is currently under construction and what else is in the pipeline?
  • What fundamentals contribute to site selection?
  • If you had a crystal ball what would you have changed in projects to address COVID-19 related issues?


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