When Compliance Fails: Defending Regulatory Enforcement Actions

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DRI Cannabis Law Virtual Seminar, Webcast

DRI’s Cannabis Law Virtual Seminar will take place on Thursday, September 17 and Thursday, September 24. Attendees can learn about the various aspects of cannabis litigation, including defending regulatory enforcement actions when compliance fails, cannabis banking, and more. 

SA's Mike McGrory presents on defending regulatory enforcement actions in his session on September 17 at 2:20 PM CT. 

Responsible cannabis industry members know the vital importance of strict regulatory compliance. But things happen. Employees develop shortcuts. A compliance officer misses a new rule. And sometimes a business is unjustly accused of violating a regulation. Mike will discuss the procedural quirks involved in defending regulatory enforcement actions and the strategies that businesses can employ to mitigate, or even defeat, a regulatory agency’s proposed penalties.

The Cannabis Law Virtual Seminar is FREE for DRI members and $99 for non-members.


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