Employee Compensation and Benefits: Common Mistakes and Missed Opportunities

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Amundsen Davis, Webcast; Chicago, IL
 | 12:00PM - 1:30PM

Employee pay and benefits plans can be one of the most significant expenses for an employer. Avoiding costly compliance mistakes and leveraging plans to effectively reward key employees is critical in today’s environment.

Join Kelly Haab-Tallitsch on Thursday, August 3 at 12:00PM CT for the latest installment of our Labor & Employment Quarterly Series as she discusses common mistakes and missed opportunities in designing and administering compensation and benefit programs.

Specific topics include

  • Additional qualified plan opportunities for highly compensated employees
  • Using equity or phantom equity to retain key personnel
  • Common 401(k) mistakes
  • Traps to avoid in a merger or acquisition
  • And more!

 We hope you can join, whether in-person or via webinar!



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