Update on the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly of Affirmative Action

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Illinois Chamber of Commerce, Webcast
 | 10:30 AM – 12:00 PM

The Good part of affirmative action for the employer is its goal: that all persons be treated equally. Who can argue with that?

The Bad part of the government’s Affirmative Action policy is that it requires companies who do business with state or federal governments to annually prepare an inordinate amount of paperwork involving what can be an extremely complex  analysis of the company’s employment practices.

The Ugly part of the government’s Affirmative Action practices is that it gives the OFCCP Compliance Officers the legal right to examine any and all of the company’s employment transactions searching out anything they see that might be discrimination and then take action against the company on behalf of the affected employees for what can be millions of dollars.

Join Heather Bailey for this 90-minute webcast hosted by the Illinois Chamber of Commerce as she covers the regulations related to females and minorities, as well as, individuals with disabilities and protected veterans.  Attendees are provided the tools needed to create affirmative action plans, make meaningful recruiting efforts, defend during an audit, and avoid penalties.


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