How a Properly Worded Waiver & the Right Insurance Can Protect Your Business

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Speaking Engagement
WaiverSign, Webcast

Waivers are am important way for businesses to protect themselves from lawsuits, but they must be done correctly. Finding and using a template waiver, without tailoring it to your work, will not provide any protection at all. It is also important for a waiver to correspond with a business’ liability insurance. Join Max Goodman and Sean England from Moreton & Company to learn how to align your waivers and insurance programs.

The webcast will teach you:

  • What is a waiver and why should I care about it?
  • Why are waivers not drafted specifically for my business likely worthless?
  • How do I (affordably) get a waiver that works?
  • How do I determine if my insurance program is right for me?
  • What are key questions I should ask my insurance agent?

You can view the presentation here.


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