EnviroForensics in partnership with Minnesota Cleaners Association and Wisconsin Fabricare Association presented, How to Terminate or Renegotiate Leases for Dry Cleaners, a free live webinar on Wednesday, January 20th at 2:00 pm.
The webinar is for drycleaners whose businesses have been impacted by pandemic restrictions and are interested in understanding their rights as tenants related to terminating or renegotiating their lease terms. A panel of Attorneys at Law and EnviroForensics, will address tenant rights, offer useful suggestions for terminating or renegotiating lease terms, and explain the potential environmental implications you need to know.
Topics included:
- Tenant rights
- How to renegotiate or terminate your lease
- Potential environmental implications of lease negotiations or termination
- How to use old insurance to offset environmental costs
- And key take-aways