Social Media, Intellectual Property and Protecting Your A$$ets!

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Speaking Engagement
Nicolet National Bank, Seminar; Appleton, WI
 | 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM

Intellectual Property Attorneys Mike Bendel and Alexis Merbach Hedtke will present “Social Media, Intellectual Property and Protecting Your A$$ets!” during Startup Appleton Week.

Social media is in the middle of many things we do these days. Thus, intellectual property law gets pulled right in and failure to take basic steps to protect your assets can be detrimental to your intellectual property rights. During this presentation, Intellectual Property Attorneys will discuss three well-known intellectual property types, their interaction with social media, and will identify some best practices every business should take to operate in social media without creating unnecessary intellectual property risks.

Social Media, Intellectual Property and Protecting Your A$$ets!


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