What Every Bank Director and Officer Should Know About Regulatory Compliance

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Speaking Engagement
Cherry Bekaert, 2024 Financial Institutions Summit; Churchill Downs, KY

Over the last few years, the banking industry has witnessed significant growth and changes in the regulatory landscape. Despite having dedicated in-house compliance teams, keeping up with the expanding and shifting rules and regulations represents a significant challenge. Board members and bank officers aren't required to be experts in every law or regulation, but they should be knowledgeable enough to understand and oversee their financial institution’s own compliance programs. Failures in this regard can lead legal and financial repercussions, potentially harming the institution's and the individual’s reputation and standing.

Join Daniel Spungen and Larry Tomlin for their session at the 2024 Financial Institutions Summit where they Identify and describe key regulatory changes and trends affecting the banking sector over the past few years. Daniel and Larry's presentation also helps attendees develop the necessary knowledge to effectively understand and oversee their financial institution's compliance programs, ensuring alignment with current rules and regulations.

What Every Bank Director and Officer Should Know About Regulatory Compliance


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