Won Summary Judgment in a Case Alleging Race and Sexual Harassment by a Male Supervisor Against a Male Employee

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In 2014, Jennifer won summary judgment in a case in the Northern District Court of Illinois alleging race and sexual harassment by a male supervisor against male employees. The lawsuit contained a multitude of sensational allegations of a male supervisor in a roofing company walking on roofs naked and making sexual gestures with rolls of roofing materials, making sexual statements and gestures with food and making explicit and hostile racial statements and slurs. Despite the extraordinary nature of the allegations, the court entered summary judgment in the employer’s favor due to inconsistent and contradictory witness testimony, and inconsistencies between witness statements procured by the plaintiff’s law firm and their later contradictory deposition testimony. Significantly, the court also rejected witnesses’ attempt to change their testimony after the plaintiff’s attorney presented their statements to them on cross examination in their depositions.


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