Check out some of the most recent state law updates on wages and paid leave.
House Bill 23-1045 clarifies that members of the Colorado National Guard or U.S. reserve forces may take leave from employment to receive military training with the U.S. armed forces for up to the equivalent of three workweeks out of their regular work schedule in any calendar year. The legislation also allows Colorado National Guard members to use any available paid leave for training and active state service.
Senate Bill 208 requires employers to provide employees with up to 40 hours of paid leave per year, accrued at a rate of one hour for every 40 hours worked. Accrual begins upon commencing employment or on Jan. 1, 2024, whichever date is later, and employees may start using their leave within 90 days of such date. Employees are not obligated to provide a reason for using their leave, or any supporting documentation or certification, but may be required to provide prior notice (seven calendar days) if such use is foreseeable. For additional information on S.B. 208 please read the following: Illinois Paid Leave – The When, What, Who, and How that Every Employer Needs to Know.
Bill 28-17 raises the hourly minimum wage for large employers (those with 51 employees or more) in Montgomery County incrementally each July 1. Effective July 1, 2023, the minimum wage will rise to $16.70.
Senate Bill 4 adds sexual orientation and gender identity or expression as protected classes against which discrimination is strictly prohibited.
S. 1326 revises New York’s pay transparency law (S. 9427) in order to repeal the recordkeeping requirements, define advertising, and apply the disclosure requirements to employment opportunities that are physically performed in the State or report to a supervisor or worksite in the State. Both S. 1326 and S. 9427 take effect Sept. 17, 2023.
The City of Philadelphia released another supplemental regulation on the use of paid sick leave during a public health emergency, including the Covid-19 pandemic. The updated rule clarifies the use of three distinct types of leave: (1) accrued sick leave, (2) Covid-19 leave, and (3) health-care epidemic leave.
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