In a case filed in the Northern District of Illinois (Staffing Services Association of IL, et. al. vs. Jane Flanagan, Director of the IL Department of Labor), a federal district court granted plaintiffs’ request for injunctive relief thereby preventing the IL Department of Labor (IDOL) from enforcing a key provision contained in the 2023 amendments to the IL Day & Temporary Labor Services Act (IDTLSA). While the plaintiffs were not successful in their attempt to block other key sections of the amendments involving “notifying temporary workers of labor disputes” and “interested parties having standing to pursue private lawsuits on behalf of workers,” the court blocked the “equivalent benefits” piece to the “Equal Pay for Equal Work” section of the law.
The recently overhauled paid leave ordinances in Illinois include: Illinois Paid Leave For All Workers Act (effective January 1, 2024), Cook County Paid Leave (effective February 1, 2024) and the City of Chicago Paid Leave (effective July 1, 2024)/City of Chicago Sick Leave (amended) (effective July 1, 2024). Compliance is going to require more than an updated leave policy, so it is important to review your policies and practices to make sure you are compliant.
Join Sara Zorich and Beverly Alfon as they provide a timely webcast, where attendees will learn about this new law, how to ...
Conscientious objection in health care is the refusal of a health care professional to provide or participate in the delivery of a legal, medically appropriate health care service to a patient because of personal beliefs. Federal conscience rights are contained in various federal statutes and regulations -- the Church Amendments, Section 45 of the Public Health Act, the Weldon Amendment, the Affordable Care Act and Medicare and Medicaid regulations – that collectively protect the right of health care providers to object to performing certain medical procedures if doing so would be contrary to the provider’s religious beliefs or moral convictions.
California’s equal pay data reporting law applies to private companies that have at least 100 employees nationwide on payroll and at least one California employee. The reporting deadline for the 2023 reporting year is May 8, 2024.
On Friday, February 9, 2024, Illinois’ General Assembly introduced legislation to eliminate the tip credit in Illinois by January 1, 2025. If passed, ALL Illinois employers will be required to pay ALL their employees at least the applicable minimum wage, including employees who earn or receive tips and gratuities. This would mean that Illinois employers would no longer be able to credit the tips and gratuities their tipped employees receive towards paying them minimum wage starting on January 1, 2025.
On January 18, 2024, the City of Chicago Office of Labor Standards (OLS) issued proposed rules, FAQs, and a Flyer for its New Paid Leave and Paid Sick and Safe Leave Ordinance (Ordinance) effective July 1, 2024.
California Assembly Bill 1076, passed last fall, added a new Business & Professions Code §16600.1. By February 14, 2024, California employers must notify in writing current and certain former employees that any noncompete agreement or clause to which they may be subject is void (unless it falls within one of the limited statutory exceptions). It also applies to customer non-solicitation requirements.
For H-1B visa holders, the logistics of traveling home for a wedding can be almost as challenging to plan as the wedding.
A man who traveled to India for a wedding had to remain there for weeks to get a visa to return to the US. He had to apply for the visa in India, have an interview, and then wait 3 weeks for the consulate to vet his application and return the passport with the visa foil. The waiting time caused him to postpone a major business deal.
Consulate and embassy waiting times have ballooned to eight, nine, or even twelve months in some places including Mexico and Canada – and that’s ...
Employers in each of the below states must be aware of new posters and ensure they are displayed in the workplace -- including, to the extent applicable, remote workplaces. Links to posters are provided below.
Flagstaff, Arizona
2023 is now “in the books” and organized labor is likely seething at seeing their numbers drop -- once again. Despite the media headlines in 2023 about union organizing drives, strikes and “wins” at the negotiating table for a few notable companies, workers represented by a labor union dropped to an all-time low for the second straight year.
On January 23, 2024, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) released figures showing that the percentage of workers who were part of a labor union, dropped to a new low of 10% in 2023 (down from the previous record low of 10.1% in 2022). Among ...
Welcome to the Labor and Employment Law Update where attorneys from Amundsen Davis blog about management side labor and employment issues.