Wisconsin COVID-19 Updates

Although Wisconsin has no statewide or industry-specific requirements, Governor Evers’ November 10, 2020 Executive Order “strongly encouraged” all businesses to take a number of precautions in response to the COVID-19 resurgence, including:

  • Hold meetings and collaborate online or by phone, even if staff are physically present at the worksite
  • Alternate work teams or stagger shifts
  • Require staff, customers, and the public to wear masks, and require social distancing of 6 feet between all individuals at the worksite
  • Prevent staff from entering the worksite if they display respiratory symptoms or have had contact with a person with a confirmed diagnosis of COVID-19
  • Increase standards of facility cleaning and disinfection of all areas, emphasizing “high-touch areas” including door handles, railings, restrooms, buttons, office equipment, tools, payment devices or cash registers, and counters
  • Post signage reminding staff and customers of safe business practices, social distancing requirements, hand hygiene, and cough/sneeze etiquette
  • Where possible, offer curbside pick-up and drop-off, and delivery of goods and services
  • Where possible, offer online or phone payments, appointments, and reservations
  • Cease door-to-door solicitation

Wisconsin agencies have also issued some guidance to help employers during the COVID-19 resurgence, including the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation’s industry-specific guidance and the Wisconsin Department of Health Services’ guidance for Preventing and Managing COVID-19 Outbreaks in the Workplace.

Local communities and municipalities are permitted to enact requirements and several Wisconsin municipalities have issued their own emergency orders, including Madison & Dane County, City of Milwaukee, Eau Claire City, and the City of Wausau. Accordingly, Wisconsin employers should consult with counsel to verify that they are in compliance with all current state, city/local and county-wide orders.

  • Peter E. Hansen

    As a former Human Resources supervisor, Peter understands the challenges his clients face, including being on the receiving end of a lawsuit brought on by a former employee. What he remembers of the experience is the assurance he felt ...

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