Cyber Threat Actors Have their Eyes on the Construction Industry


It is not if, but when. Though construction companies—especially smaller ones—may believe it won’t happen to them, more and more companies have suffered or will suffer a “data incident” or cyber-attack in some form. In 2020, alone, small businesses were targeted 43% of the time, and malicious emails are up 600% due to COVID-19. Ransomware remains the favorite mode of attack, but companies are also suffering from business email compromise and hacktivist attacks. Plus, companies may be balancing their virtual employees, which only increases the possibility of inadvertent sharing of sensitive information with the wrong person.

Knowing how these attacks unfold and exercising appropriate cyber hygiene are key to reducing the risk of the dreaded, “data breach” happening to you. Being informed about the threat landscape not only arms you against the attack, but also helps you lessen the negative impact on your business reputation and business continuity should you fall victim. Join Molly Arranz and Dennis Cotter and guest speakers Greg Kelley, Vestige Digital Investigations, and Carmen Hernandez, Clayco, for a panel discussion on how construction companies should prepare, what happens once a data incident occurs, and insights and best practices for how to handle these situations.


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