Stephen Stitle Honored as 2016 Laureate by Junior Achievement of Central Indiana's Business Hall of Fame

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Junior Achievement of Central Indiana

Congratulations to Stephen Stitle, managing partner of our Indianapolis office, who was honored by the Junior Achievement of Central Indiana Business Hall of Fame as a 2016 Laureate. Steve was among five individuals honored this year.

The Central Indiana Business Hall of Fame Awards were established in 1989 by the Junior Achievement Board of Directors to honor outstanding men and women who have made significant contributions to the corporate and civic community. These individuals are pioneers in their industries, present excellent business role models to the youth of our community and have changed the face of the business community in central Indiana and beyond.

The four other honorees included: Allan B. Hubbard, Chairman, E&A Companies; D. Ames Shuel, Founder, HP Products; Bridget Shuel-Walker, President, HP Products; John T. Thompson, Chairman and CEO, Thompson Distribution Company, Inc.

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