Gary Zhao Featured in Thomson Reuter's Legal Current White Paper and Podcast Regarding the Advancement of Lawyers of Color

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Thomson Reuter's Legal Current

Gary Zhao was recently interviewed by the Legal Executive Institute of Thomson Reuters for The Next Gen Leadership: Advancing Lawyers of Color white paper titled, "For Legal Employers: 16 Ways to Expedite the Advancement of Lawyers of Color." The white paper, which interviewed 23 attorneys of color across generations, ethnicities, geographic locations, and segments of the industry, provides insight on how legal employers have helped create opportunities for lawyers of color in the industry.

Gary was also featured on Thomson Reuter's Legal Current podcast, discussing how Amundsen Davis has helped him grow as an attorney of color and provides tips on what legal employers can do to promote diversity and inclusion in the legal profession. 

The white paper and podcast can be found on Thomson Reuter's website. 


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