Disaster plans protect attorneys, files, help get back to normal

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The Indiana Lawyer

Law firms have plans to keep employees safe and client information confidential when natural disasters, such as Hurricane Irma, strike. In general, law firms create one plan that can be adapted to any kind of natural or man-made disaster. But the key is thinking of every potential event that can upend a legal operation.

Larry Schechtman was recently mentioned in The Indiana Lawyer, where he discusses the importance of disaster plans in light of the recent natural disasters. In the article, Larry points to the September 11 terrorist attacks as prompting many law firms to think more seriously about their disaster plans.

Prior to 2001, most operational strategies were very basic but since have become more robust as firm leadership has given more thought to keeping their offices running when the unexpected happens. On September 11, 2001, not knowing if more attacks were planned, Larry explains how our Chicago office, like many others, choose to evacuate the building and send the employees home.

Today, he mentions, that the firm’s disaster plan includes floor captains and periodic evacuation drills that tell employees which stairwells to use and where to meet once outside. Technology also comes into play as an integral part of the overall plan. Larry explains, “The firm has the ability to message and communicate with all of our employees.”

Read the full article, “Disaster plans protect attorneys, files, help get back to normal,” on the Indiana Lawyer’s website here.


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