Everything You Need to Know about Drones in Two Minutes or Less

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USLAW Magazine
Spring 2016

Brandt Madsen discusses basics about drones in simple language that is easy for anyone to understand, whether they are familiar with drones, or simply are aware of the media hype surrounding them. In this article he specifies that:

        • Drones have been around for a long time - The media has been saturated with news about drones, but most people don't realize that they've been around for awhile. It is only recently that they have been getting a great amount of press coverage.
        • Drones can do a lot of good - They are capable of sending and using cameras, sensors and materials into areas that aren't safe. Drones are also cost-effective and efficient when it comes to surveying large areas of land, monitoring construction sites and capturing images from a unique perspective.
        • Drones can do a lot of mischief- Drone accidents are a common occurrence.
        • The government is playing catchup - Demands for drones are high; the government is inundated with tasks such as drone registration.
        • The insurance industry is making an educated guess - There isn't any data to calculate premium value for insurance purposes.
        • There will be liability- there are high-cost penalties for not following regulations.

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