Biometric Privacy

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Navigating the ever-evolving biometric privacy laws in multiple jurisdictions is not easy, especially when each jurisdiction has its own set of regulations. The biggest litigation headache is the Illinois Biometric Information Privacy Act (BIPA) which regulates the collection, storage and disclosure of biometric information such as finger prints, iris scans and facial recognition. Plaintiffs claim recovery for painful damages based on provisions that create a private right of action, regardless of whether there has been a concrete injury. It generates an avalanche of class action litigation that entraps hundreds of businesses.

Our multi-disciplinary team includes Certified Privacy Professionals who are well-versed in biometric technologies and the laws that regulate them. We understand the advancing technologies that capture biometric data and we refine our guidance based on the latest legal developments. We will guide you through compliance and mitigation risk. We are experienced at defeating the class action mechanism, and dedicated to preventing its abuse. We work with our clients  to achieve the best possible outcome, using cost conscious strategies.   






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