Handled the Acquisition and Development of a 61-acre Tract of Ground as a Part of a Mixed-Use Development

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Amundsen Davis’s real estate team handled the acquisition and development of a 61-acre tract of ground in St. Charles, Missouri, including obtaining all entitlements to permit the project. The project is part of a mixed-use development containing over 640 acres known as The New Town at St. Charles. This was the first revival of the New Town project since the real estate collapse. In the downturn, FEMA changed the flood plain maps and regulatory solutions had to be found to allow the development to continue. We were able to exclude the project from the current FEMA map through a sequestration process while negotiating base flood levels that would allow housing when the maps became effective in the future. We represented the developer in these negotiations, preparing all applications and petitions and appearances at the numerous public hearings to obtain zoning and subdivision approvals.


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