Diversity, Inclusion and Allyship in the Workplace


Research has proven that diverse teams drive better business performance, with the most diverse companies more likely than ever to outperform their less diverse peers. Diversity, inclusion and allyship are top of mind for many organizations, but many of us lack the knowledge, skills, or tools to take meaningful and long-term action.

Join speakers Heather Bailey and Julie Proscia as they discuss concepts regarding diversity, equity, inclusion, and bias. Julie and Heather have designed this webcast to leave you and your team with examples of practical and immediately applicable benefits for both businesses that are getting started, or are in the process of, implementing practices to build more inclusive environments for all employees.

During this webcast, attendees will: ​

- Learn the difference between diversity and inclusion

- Understand the importance and value of inclusivity in the workplace

- Become aware of what factors might be leading to unconscious bias

- Develop strategies to continue challenging bias in your everyday

- Learn tips for becoming a better ally

Who should attend:​

- C-Level executives

- Vice Presidents and Managing Directors

- Human Resource Professionals

- Leadership Development Professionals

- Organization and Department Leaders


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