Lew Bricker Quoted in Cook County Record Article on Self-Driving Cars 

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Cook County Record

Lew Bricker was recently quoted in the Cook County Record's article weighing in on the outgoing Illinois Governor Bruce Rauner's decision to sign an executive order that will allow the state to test self-driving cars. This order, that was signed on October 25, will mark the embrace of the new technology in Illinois and Lew expects Illinoisans to see more autonomous cars in the next decade. He states, "Given the needs of the Illinois economy, the great educational institutions and technology companies in Illinois, and that the groundwork has been put in place, I would expect the state government to press this forward."

The full article can be read on the Cook County Record's website,"Rauner order allows testing of self-driving cars; attorney says regulations to be worked out down the road."


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