Conducting the Employment Practices Audit 2023 Edition

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Illinois Institute for Continuing Legal Education

Labor and employment laws and issues that employment counsel, human resource professionals, and business owners face are ever-expanding and changing. A periodic review of documents, policies, and procedures will help ensure compliance with these laws.

"Conducting the Employment Practices Audit 2023 Edition" is intended to assist in identifying and understanding the many important labor and employment issues that have the potential to create significant legal and practical problems if not promptly and effectively addressed. This handbook contains all of the information attorneys need to handle labor and employment issues, in addition to having practical forms an checklists to reference. Topics covered include:

  • affirmative action
  • antidiscrimination and antiharassment
  • child labor laws
  • employee discipline and termination
  • reductions in force
  • the National Labor Relations Act
  • independent contractors
  • workers’ compensation

Our attorneys, Jeff Risch and Mike Hughes, wrote several of the chapters:

Chapter 7 — Personnel Records and Posting of Notices — Jeffrey A. Risch

Chapter 10 — Reductions in Force — Jeffrey A. Risch and Michael F. Hughes

Chapter 15 — Appendix — Jeffrey A. Risch

Click here and visit the IICLE website and here to purchase a copy of the new handbook. IICLE® is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization that conducts continuing legal education programs, publishes practice handbooks and forms, and provides additional legal resources to Illinois attorneys.


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