NEW U.S. DOL Davis-Bacon Rule – What the Construction Industry Needs to Know!


The Davis-Bacon and Related Acts (DBRA) is the federal prevailing wage law that applies directly to contractors and subcontractors working on federally funded or assisted construction contracts in excess of $2,000. The U.S. Department of Labor has not updated its substantive rulemaking interpreting, administering and enforcing the law in several decades. Many in the construction industry are either oblivious to their obligations under the DBRA or have a false sense of security that they may not yet realize in light of the new rulemaking. Join Jeff Risch (who has practiced prevailing wage law for over 20 years) on May 12 at noon CT for a timely discussion on the DBRA and how the new U.S. DOL rules will impact construction industry employers throughout the United States. This is a must for those in the construction industry who want to ensure they are in compliance and plan for tomorrow as the labor costs associated with Davis-Bacon projects go indiscriminately UP, UP & UP!



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