Prevailing Wage

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We know prevailing wage law. Our top priority is for our clients to avoid litigation or enforcement actions. To that end, our attorneys focus on proactive measures and continue to work closely with employers across the construction industry, including union and non-union contractors of all sizes, general contractors, developers, project managers, local units of government, architects, engineers, surveyors, and more. We regularly conduct comprehensive internal audits of a company’s prevailing wage practices on a routine basis. We stand ready, willing, and able to provide a focused strategy to effectively and efficiently protect a company’s interests. 

Prevailing wage requirements have been around for decades. Beginning with the Federal Davis Bacon Act, and subsequent “Related Acts,” to local and state prevailing wage ordinances and statutes, prevailing wage law compliance is extraordinarily complex and ever changing (particularly in pro-union areas of the country such as Illinois and California). Audits are increasing. Lawsuits are increasing. The administrative headaches, burdens and pitfalls associated with prevailing wage projects are increasing. 

Be assured that we regularly counsel clients on how to proactively avoid the common, as well as the more nuanced, prevailing wage mistakes. We have represented thousands of employers in all aspects of government audit and administrative hearing, and private litigation, with respect to prevailing wage laws. We actively and successfully defend all types of prevailing wage audits, claims and lawsuits on a local, state, and national level. 

We offer companies a full line of services, including: 

  • Education, consultation, and compliance training
  • Litigation defense
  • Government audit and investigation representation
  • Internal compliance audits
  • Prevailing wage opinion letters






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