Representative Experience Archive
Constantine represented a commercial tenant operating a dentist office, and successfully negotiated lease terms that saved his client nearly $100k in operating expenses.
John Ochoa represented a client facing claims under the Mobile Home Landlord and Tenant Rights Act, 765 ILCS 745/1. He negotiated a favorable class-wide settlement prior to litigation that provided a full release to the client, as well as a full reversion of unclaimed settlement proceeds and uncashed checks.
Amundsen Davis represented a private doctor working in the Wisconsin prison system who was accused of being deliberately indifferent to an inmate’s serious medical needs in violation of the Constitution.
Amundsen Davis represented a private doctor working in the Wisconsin prison system who was accused of being deliberately indifferent to an inmate’s serious medical needs in violation of the Constitution.
Amundsen Davis obtained dismissal of a class action Illinois Biometric Information Act (BIPA) complaint filed against a manufacturer for its alleged use of a biometric timekeeping system without following the requirements of BIPA. By moving for dismissal on the class’s claims, we were able to successfully convince the plaintiff’s counsel to dismiss the action without further litigation.
Amundsen Davis represented a Wisconsin manufacturer accused of patent infringement and successfully had the claims against our client dismissed.
Amundsen Davis represented a major music festival in protecting its trademarks from infringement by a neighboring state’s professional sports teams.
Amundsen Davis represented a law enforcement officer and municipality in federal district court against accusations that the officer violated an individual’s constitutional rights through the use of excessive force in violation of the Constitution.
Alice Lin counseled a university on unrelated business taxable income (UBTI) considerations related to various real estate investment and other business transactions.
Alice Lin counseled a Chicago area church on benevolence fund administration.