Representative Experience Archive
From receipt of the motion to compel, we advised the client and filed pleadings on behalf of the client, and monitored the third-party dispute for decisions that may implicate the client.
We represented the parties from answering the complaint and through discovery, and successfully retained dismissal of the claims at the summary judgment stage.
Tiffany Woelfel represented the prisoner as a pro bono upon recruitment by the federal district court.
We advised the client from the filing of the administrative procedure, through dispositive motions and an evidentiary hearing before the administrative system.
Ryan obtained summary judgment for a construction client on all counts in a heavily contested breach of contract lawsuit.
We counseled the client to protect their legal rights and avoid entanglement in the ongoing litigation.
Ryan obtained a full defense verdict on behalf of his client for a frivolously filed lawsuit related to an alleged illegal tow on the client’s property.
We successfully defeated the claim at the motion to dismiss stage, and this decision was affirmed by the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals.
The defense was against a participant who claimed they contracted Hepatitis C from a dirty needle.
The patient claimed the emergency physician failed to detect a retained piece of wood in the leg of a minor requiring in excess of 16 debridements.