Representative Experience Archive
Amundsen Davis obtained dismissal with prejudice in a defamation action against a journalist which was filed by the leader of a global church.
Amundsen Davis has successfully filed numerous unfair labor practice charges against unions unlawful picketing activities at construction sites. This resulted in the removal of the unlawful picketing and cessation of other unlawful union tactics, in order for work by all contractors on the project to continue unabated.
Amundsen Davis secured dismissal with prejudice on jurisdictional grounds of defamation action against an out-of-state attorney.
Amundsen Davis represented a chemical manufacturer in a matter involving the discharge of a union-represented employee.
Amundsen Davis defended a civil engineering firm against a qui tam False Claims Act suit based on allegations that the client improperly invoiced the State of Illinois for work the client performed. The court granted our motion to dismiss based on the pleadings.
Amundsen Davis obtained summary judgment in favor of a parking lot owner and construction contractor after an accident occurred in the parking lot that involved a car and a pedestrian.
Matthew Kees successfully defended a large, national trucking company in a wrongful death lawsuit. After the plaintiff made a demand in excess of $1,000,000, Matt prepared and argued in favor of a motion for summary judgment. The judge granted this motion, dismissed the case, and the plaintiff received nothing.
Amundsen Davis obtained summary judgment in favor of the premises owner whose daughter’s guests allegedly assaulted the adult plaintiff.
Matthew Kees defended a transportation company against claims of negligence, negligent entrustment, and negligent hiring. While in the course of deposing the plaintiff, Matt obtained an admission that the plaintiff fell asleep immediately before the accident, and caused his own injuries. The plaintiff voluntarily dismissed the lawsuit shortly after without even making a settlement demand.
Our labor team was retained to defend our client, a large family-owned automotive group, against an attempt to organize the auto maintenance employees at the company’s Hyundai dealership in Hazelwood, Missouri.