Representative Experience Archive
The patient who was a child developed necrotizing fasciitis and underwent a fasciotomy and 16 debridements. Plaintiff sought in excess of $1 million.
The finding determined that the company did not have any duty to the plaintiff and did not control the construction area.
The plaintiff alleged that the defendants failed to stop at a stop sign resulting in a collision. The plaintiff's medical specials were $258,000 for a fused spine.
Michael Cocciemiglio successfully negotiated commercial leases on behalf of a corporation for its numerous multi-million dollar properties in preparation for a corporate acquisition.
The plaintiff alleged that the defendants, including an emergency physician, failed to diagnose an infection of the ankle following surgery. The plaintiff required several surgeries for an infected joint.
Michael Cocciemiglio represented an owner in its dispute with the architectural firm retained to perform design work for a multi-story residential condominium building in Chicago, reaching a favorable settlement.
The plaintiff alleged that the defendants, including the emergency physician, failed to diagnosis and treat toxic shock syndrome. The descendent died in hospital from complications and sepsis.
The plaintiff alleged a failure to diagnose and treat hernia and urinary retention in the emergency department resulting in a bowel obstruction.
The plaintiff, a police officer with the city, alleged that a sergeant had made sexually harassing statements and reported the action to her captain.
Keith Mundrick represented a senior lender in connection with $16 million recapitalization of industrial distributor, including drafting and negotiating loan documents, pledge agreements, subordination agreements, and related documents.