Representative Experience Archive
James Maschhoff has defended accounting firms against malpractice claims. His work in one large case helped lead to a grant of summary judgment in favor of the accounting firm.
Before Macon County Circuit Court, a business owner filed a lawsuit against our client, a business competitor of the plaintiff. The sprawling lawsuit alleged Defamation based on fifteen separate publications by our client, Tortious Interference with Business Expectancy, and Deceptive Business Practices pursuant to Illinois’ Consumer Fraud Act and Uniform Deceptive Trade Practices Act.
The plaintiff, a carpenter, sustained a severe brain injury. The owner, general contractor, sub-contractor, architect and structural engineer were all sued. After lengthy discovery as to liability and damages and the retention of experts and performance of IMEs, the case was settled.
Amundsen Davis counseled a concrete manufacturing facility when a career-ending injury to a worker’s back as he was knocked off of a trailer by a crane-load of concrete.
Granted summary judgment in defending our client in Telephone Consumer Protection Act claims.
Amundsen Davis counsel obtained favorable settlements for a group of distributors after winning a summary judgment motion filed by a large manufacturer that wanted to take over the distributors’ sales territories.
Amundsen Davis defended as well as prosecuted counterclaims on behalf of a 50 percent owner of a Limited Liability Company in a dispute against his business partner. The litigation involved derivative actions on behalf of the company and crossclaims for Breach of Contract, Fraud, Breach of Fiduciary Duty, Conversion, Unjust Enrichment, and Dissociation and Dissolution under Illinois’ LLC Act.
Amundsen Davis represented the parent company of a factory in a personal injury case where an employee was hurt in an industrial incident.
Amundsen Davis counseled an underground construction client when an OSHA inspection resulted in multiple repeat violations with fines in the six figure range.
Amundsen Davis successfully obtained a denial of motion for class certification in a contentious wage and hour class action lawsuit involving home health care workers.