Representative Experience Archive
Amundsen Davis won a ruling from Seventh Circuit affirming dismissal of lawsuit against a national testing agency in which plaintiffs alleged claims on behalf of a putative class of 16 million persons that their personal identifiable information had been sold without authorization.
Laura Grebe served as outside counsel for one of the largest global chemical producers. She assisted this client with worldwide prosecution of patents in technologies spanning from catalyst creation and polymers to films and articles of manufacture.
Amundsen Davis’s work has included labor & employment, data privacy, and insurance and regulatory issues.
Amundsen Davis defended a hospital from a class action arising from a data breach involving protected personal information and HIPAA.
As outside counsel for a large construction and civil engineering company, Laura Grebe worked closely with innovators to explain the value of intellectual property and grow their patent and trademark portfolio.
Successfully and efficiently resolve multiple significant seven and eight figure cases for far less than the amounts.
The firm secured dismissal of a technology company in a lawsuit in Arkansas federal court arising out of the alleged breach of personal data of plaintiffs and absent class members who applied online for Pandemic Unemployment Assistance.
Danielle Fadel assisted a private equity firm with the purchase of a strategic engineering and design service supplier that specialized in microprocessor controlled electronic products as an add-on acquisition to bring capabilities in-house for the client.
Laura Grebe created and implemented a trademark licensing and compliance program for a government agency.
Amundsen Davis represented a premises owner who had been sued after a business invitee slipped and fell on a patch of ice which remained in the client’s parking lot after snow removal services had been performed.