Representative Experience Archive
Matt McClean defended a client through a 6-week jury trial in a case involving a serious construction accident.
Matt McClean represented family trusts involved in a series of estate and commercial claims when the death of a principal coincided with the sale of the family business.
In multi-million dollar dispute with a municipality, Matt McClean helped a construction company negotiate a resolution.
Won a defense a verdict on behalf of a full service mechanical contractor and its owner in a 6-day trial in Fond du Lac County.
- Won a Defense Verdict for a Milwaukee Alderman Facing Claims of Defamation and Tortious Interference
Matt McClean represented a Milwaukee Alderman against claims of defamation and tortious interference and won a defense verdict.
In a wage claim brought by a dental services client’s former employee, Bruce Deadman received a favorable decision from the Wisconsin Equal Rights Division.
Bruce Deadman assisted with the design and implementation of NQDC plans which foster the recruitment, retention and rewarding of key employees.
In a 6 week jury trail, Matt McClean represented a precast concrete subcontractor regarding a partial façade collapse at the O’Donnell Park garage in Milwaukee.
We represented a general contractor facing claims of design defects and faulty construction from the City of Milwaukee.
Matt McClean represented a subcontractor on its lien claim and got over 95% of the amounts due.