Representative Experience Archive
Mary Watts represented two neurologists in a three week jury trial. The patient committed suicide and the plaintiff claimed that the neurologists treating him for headaches missed a brain tumor which caused the suicide.
Matt McClean assisted in the representation of a village against a tunneling contractor, which included a seven day trial.
Amundsen Davis obtained a favorable settlement of a lawsuit between a consumer and a car dealership. Preliminary investigation revealed favorable facts for the defendant and the matter resolved amicably before exhaustive discovery proceedings.
Matt McClean won a motion to dismiss on a construction contract case, involving the enforceability of a forum selection clause and Kansas public policy.
- Successfully Represented a Homeowner Who Discovered Substantial Errors in the Survey of His Property
Matt McClean and Elizabeth Miles represented a homeowner who purchased property, and recovered more than $50,000 in damages.
Matt McClean assisted in obtaining a no breach of contract ruling for a preferred provider network for health care services in an arbitration.
Matt McClean assisted in the representation of the a sewage district where the plaintiff sought more than $12 million.
Amundsen Davis obtained a favorable settlement of a lawsuit between two companies in federal court. The matter involved complex issues including principles of contractual interpretation under Delaware law.
Elizabeth Miles obtained a favorable ruling for a client purchased property that included an access easement.
Elizabeth Miles negotiated an amended reciprocal easement agreement between homeowner's association and condominium association.