Representative Experience Archive
The firm prepared and negotiated the construction contracts for a sprawling, multi-use, multi-unit, mixed-income development in Chicago’s Roscoe Village neighborhood.
The firm prepared and negotiated the construction contracts for the $56 million development of a state-of-the-art cargo facility at Chicago’s O’Hare Airport.
In a federal jury trial, Amundsen Davis defended two police officers accused of false arrest. The plaintiff, who had been arrested for possessing a large quantity of illegal drugs, claimed that the substance was innocent and that there was no probable cause for his arrest. The jury found in favor of the officers.
John Hayes obtained summary judgment in federal court on behalf of a library district after an employee alleged wrongful termination and harassment based on a slew of protected classes under Title VII.
Amundsen Davis obtained a summary judgment dismissal in favor of high profile clients accused of tortiously causing a new business to suffer $25M in alleged "lost profits" and an additional $75M in other damages by navigating and advancing arguments pursuant to Illinois' New Business Rule.
Matthew Kees represented a home building contractor in a contractual dispute involving allegations of a breach of contract, breach of warranty and theft by contractor, among other claims. A favorable verdict was received after numerous witnesses and hundreds of exhibits were presented.
Amundsen Davis successfully defended truck owners who leased their truck to a driver who was then involved in an accident.
Successfully defended a retailer whose employee allegedly molested a customer’s child. Allegations included failure to do a proper background check on the offending employee. Summary Judgment was obtained on behalf the retailer.
Amundsen Davis manages and protects the worldwide trademark portfolio of a European medical products manufacturing company and handles the legal issues, including agreement work and corporate registration of the client’s United States subsidiary.
Amundsen Davis defended a client after the plaintiff alleged that our client induced other defendants to commit breach of an alleged fiduciary duty by diverting the plaintiff’s business to our client in exchange for financial gain and demanded a mid-seven figure number.