Representative Experience Archive
We successfully moved to dismiss an objection from a decedent’s daughter at a contested hearing following discovery.
After a corporate trustee identified an unauthorized gift made by a beneficiary, we were able to identify the recipient, the terms of the transfer, and obtain a favorable settlement for the Trust to avoid future clams of breach of fiduciary duty.
We successfully settled a case where property damage was caused by an insured swerving out of the way of a second unidentified driver. Insurer denied the claim after discussions with municipality. We were retained to file suit and successfully obtained 50% recovery even in light of the emergency doctrine and comparative negligence in Wisconsin.
We successfully moved for dismissal in a federal trademark complaint, after the defendant brought third-party claims against the president of a corporation both in his individual and corporate capacity with one claim alleging intentional fraud.
Larry represents an agribusiness lender which is a cooperative organization of approximately 18,000 stockholders and part of the Farm Credit System. The client provides financial solutions to farmers and ranchers in Michigan and 10 counties in northeastern Wisconsin and agribusiness nationwide.
Larry represented an agribusiness lender in a $27 million waste disposal revenue bonds project to its borrower to construct and equip solid waste facilities at a large dairy farm in Kansas that closed July 12, 2023. The client provided a letter of credit in favor of the bond trustee, and Larry advised the client on the letter of credit and reimbursement agreement, and provided a letter of opinion of bank’s counsel.
Larry represented an agribusiness lender in a $10 million waste disposal revenue bonds project to its borrower to construct and equip solid waste facilities at a large dairy farm in Wisconsin that closed July 11, 2023. The client provided a letter of credit in favor of the bond trustee, and Larry advised the client on the letter of credit and reimbursement agreement and provided a letter of opinion of bank’s counsel.
Amundsen Davis represented the shareholders of a risk management information system provider for health care organizations in the sale of their business to a strategic buyer.
Amundsen Davis serves as outside general counsel to national and international leading manufacturer and distributor of medical equipment for contract drafting and contract negotiation matters with suppliers, customers, and distributors.
Amundsen Davis’s corporate team advises our life science client with respect to manufacturing and supply-side agreements, including standardizing their terms and conditions to create a consistent contract base.