Representative Experience Archive
Amundsen Davis represented more than 20 universities in the NCAA football MDL alleging defendants knowingly concealed dangers associated with concussions.
As a contract attorney for NASA, Laura Grebe met with research scientists to draft patent applications and successfully obtained patent coverage for electronic and mechanical components used in propulsion and rocket technologies.
To better protect the company we counseled the Board of Directors on risk exposures, legal issues within the injury and alternative corporate structures.
Amundsen Davis defeated class certification on grounds that individual fact questions predominated in a mass tort lawsuit that was filed by 100 residents who sued the private operator of the Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District.
Amundsen Davis defended a manufacturer in a liability lawsuit where an individual’s leg was amputated. The plaintiff demanded more than $10 million dollars, but the matter was ultimately settled below the $3 million dollar policy limits.
The defendants argued that the plaintiff provided no facts to demonstrate that they knew of the existence of a defective condition.
Amundsen Davis obtained dismissal of a putative investor class alleging breach of fiduciary duty, based on prohibitions in the Securities Litigation and Uniform Standards Act (SLUSA).
Amundsen Davis handled a contested liability lawsuit where the plaintiff was left a quadriplegic.
The defendant argued that under the Tort Immunity Act, the subject activity which took place during the break qualified as a hazardous recreational activity.
Amundsen Davis defended an employer from a class action alleging improper background checks of thousands of employees or applicants in violation of FCRA.