Representative Experience Archive
Danielle Fadel assisted a public company in the purchase of a material handling supplier along with the acquisition of the supplier’s real estate.
Amundsen Davis tired a one week jury trial wherein the plaintiff’s widow alleged host liability against a local business for failing to come to the aid of her husband during a medical emergency.
The defendant submitted an affidavit along with its motion to dismiss attesting to the fact that it did not own, operate, manage, or control the subject premises on which the plaintiff alleged there was a defective condition.
Amundsen Davis defended a commercial trailer manufacturer in a multimillion dollar product liability case involving serious injury. Appreciated trial exposure was well over policy limits, but the case settled on favorable terms due to Amundsen Davis’s aggressive defense of its client.
Amundsen Davis represented a hospital in an arbitration involving a contract dispute with a service provider.
Amundsen Davis aggressively defended the subcontractor, gathered necessary evidence, and convinced the plaintiff to voluntarily dismiss our client to avoid facing a claim for attorney’s fees for pursuing a frivolous action.
Amundsen Davis defended an electrical contractor against negligence and safe place claims. The court granted summary judgment in the contractor’s favor, dismissing all claims against it, upon finding that the contractor was not involved in creating the “hazard.”
We vigorously defended the manufacturer, and were able to successfully argue to the claimant that the warranty was inapplicable to the claim.
Through a thorough investigation Amundsen Davis was able to identify multiple additional applicable underlying insurance policies.
The firm represented a credit union lender named in a consumer law action. We successfully negotiated an agreement at mediation whereby the credit union received the full loan amount, interest and a significant portion of its attorney’s fees.