Representative Experience Archive
Amundsen Davis successfully obtained dismissal of a citation that was sent to a banking client.
Amundsen Davis represented a physical therapist that treated an inmate while working at a private medical facility.
Successfully defended residential property seller against claims she allegedly knew about and failed to disclose termite infestation. Claims included breach of contract, fraud, and alleged violation of the Residential Real Property Disclosure Act. The case was settled for less than costs of defense.
Emilie Rohde and Joseph Heino assisted in drafting class descriptions in anticipation of the filing of a federal trademark application with the United States Patent and Trademark Office on behalf of a national company participating in the automotive retail industry.
Emilie Rohde assisted an international company specializing in pet products by identifying and articulating potential responses to an office action rejecting trademark registration on the grounds of being confusingly similar with existing marks. This consisted of identifying similar marks that had been successfully coexisting in the marketplace and analyzing the effect of stylization on the overall impression of the trademark and its allegedly confusingly similar counterpart.
- Secured a Favorable Nuisance Settlement for a Nonprofit Organization in a Wage and Hour Class Action
Amundsen Davis secured a favorable nuisance settlement for a non-profit organization in a wage and hour overtime class action that sought to include potentially hundreds of former employees.
Amundsen Davis defended a nursing home operator and a pharmacy against a False Claims Act (FCA) complaint involving allegations regarding the manner in which the clients dispensed medications to nursing home residents and billed for those medications.
Amundsen Davis partners, Dennis Cotter and Jack Sanker, successfully obtained a not guilty defense jury verdict in favor of a major Chicago-area rail carrier in a Federal Employers Liability Act (FELA) case.
Timothy Feldhausen and Emilie Rohde assisted a popular local restaurant in Green Bay Wisconsin, in its restructuring to reflect two distinct lines of business—a restaurant and a catering business.
Timothy Feldhausen and Emilie Rohde represented a local franchisee in the sale of the assets of their business.